Tag Archives: spaceape

BBC Radio 1 Dubstep Warz 2006




” O Dubstep Warz é um dos mais importantes registros da cena Dubstep.

Esse especial, que foi ao ar na madrugada do dia 09/01/06 na BBC Radio 1, reuniu os principais expoentes do gênero.

Comandado por Mary Anne Hobbs, o programa trouxe sons de Burial, Skream, Benga, Kode 9, Digital Mystikz, entre outros.

O áudio a seguir vem de um CD entregue pela produção da rádio britânica ao Tranquera.

Dubstep Warz

January 10th 2006


N-Type (London, UK)
Dave Q (New York, US)
Youngsta (London, UK)
The Bug (London, UK)
Bruno Belluomini (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Benga (London, UK)
Pinch (Bristol, UK)
Joe Nice (Baltimore, US)
Kuma (Vancouver, Canada)

Mala (Digital Mystikz)

01. Digital Mystikz “10 Dread Commandments VIP”
02. Digital Mystikz “Haunted”
03. Digital Mystikz “Left Leg Out”
04. Skream “Midnight Request Line (Mala Remix)”
05. Digital Mystikz “All Of A Sudden”
06. Digital Mystikz feat. Spen G “Anti War Dub”


01. Skream “Midnight Request Line”
02. Skream “Tapped”
03. Sunship feat. Warrior Queen “Almighty Father (Skream Remix)”
04. Skream “Glamma”
05. Skream “Deep Concentration”
06. Skream “Rottan”
07. Digital Mystikz “Ancient Memories (Skream Remix)”
08. Horsepower Productions “Egypt (Skream Remix)”
09. Skream “Hag”
10. Skream “Stagger”

Kode 9 & Spaceape

01. Benny Ill, Kode 9 & The Culprit “Fat Larry Skank (Kode 9 Remix)”
02. Kode 9 & Spaceape “9 Samurai”
03. Kode 9 & Spaceape “Backward”
04. Kode 9 & Spaceape “Kingston”
05. Burial feat. Spaceape “Untitled”


01. Vex’d “Saturn”
02. Vex’d “3rd Choice”
03. Search & Destroy “Wavescape (Vex’d Remix)”
04. Vex’d “Killing Floor”

Hatcha & Crazy D

01. Benga “Untitled”
02. Benga “Untitled”
03. Coki “Untitled”
04. Coki “Untitled”
05. Coki “Untitled”
06. Skream “Midnight Request Line (Remix)”
07. Benga “Untitled”
08. Benga “Untitled”
09. Benga “Untitled”
10. Skream “Dutch Flowerz”
11. Digital Mystikz “Ancient Memories (Skream Remix)”

Loefah & Sgt. Pokes

01. Loefah “Mud”
02. Loefah “Ruffage”
03. Loefah “Sukkah”
04. Loefah “System”
05. Loefah “Root”


01. Distance “My Demons”
02. Distance “Fallen”
03. Distance “Tuning”
04. Distance “Cella”
05. Distance “Cyclops”
06. Distance “Night Vision”
07. Distance “Traffic”


Pinch “Qawwali”








thanks Tranquera thanks Mary Anne Hobbs


Spaceape Interview





Warface is proud to give this amazing X-mas gift

relax, breath in … breath out, and enjoy this interview with one of the most interesting projects 

for all fans of good music and good poetry we present THE SPACEAPE




* WARFACE:    Who is Spaceape?

 The Spaceape is a project of words, sounds and images. As an entity, The Spaceape is bigger than me and it has its own plans about what it wants to be.

* Tell us about your Work over the passed years and how did you meet dubstep 

The story began on the 10th floor of a tower block in South London. The first incarnation of The Spaceape came in the figure of Daddi Gee. Kode 9 and Daddi Gee first experimented with using vocals over a sparse bass track with little or no beats. This led to our first collaborative release, ‘Sine of the Dub’, a beatless cover of Prince’s classic ‘Sign of the Times’. This was also the first release on Kode9’s Hyperdub label. Nothing was pre-planned. We were just seeing where we could get to and how we could mesh our sonic cultures.

The project was initially intended to be studio based but we were both curious about how we could do this in a live(ish) context. One of the first live shows we did was at the first DMZ in Brixton. Through further 10” releases, live shows and in particular our first album ‘Memories of the Future’, The Spaceape entity entered into some of Dubstep’s off-centered zones. This gave me the opportunity to work with some incredibly talented and focused outta-genre producers. 

* Most of the people know you for working with names like bug, kode 9, martyn, what do you do and did beside that? 

As I mentioned, The Spaceape project is about words, sounds and images and images was my main focus before I started recording. I started with a project called Uncoded, producing a series of videos, photography and articles around the ideas of non-identity, perceptual glitches and conflicts of race and belonging. 

My first collaboration with Kode 9 was on an Uncoded short film entitled ‘Coded Skin’. Kode produced the soundscape for a film that looked at the idea of a non-identity, fusing close-up, repeated glitched images of skin, some human, some animal, some other… 

* Do you feel like the fact that you worked with kode9 or bug helped you to push you forward?

Absolutely. But there are also many other factors. Timing is very important and I think we’d all agree that you have to hit the right notes and the right time. I would also like to think that I have informed their work too.

* How´s your creative process?

Random! The ideas come from everywhere. From music, books, newspapers articles, films, conversations or random incidents. But, for me it’s always been about the first line. If the first line of the story or lyric is strong then I can piece together the rest. I get a lot of ‘first lines’ when I’m cycling around, I think it’s the repetition.

* You have really deep & most of the times very dark words, what influences you’re writing?

I wouldn’t necessarily call the words I write ‘dark’. I can see why people would say this but I think there is a lot of light and shade in what I do. It would be true to say that I find difficult or challenging subjects more interesting to write about. But The Spaceape project has moved on since ‘Memories of the Future’. There is less ‘dread’ in the material I’ve worked on since, more energy, but always written to illicit an anxious ‘glance over your shoulder’.

* Your words are very deep not only of course because your voice tone but also  your message, how important do you think the message is in your music and generaly talking?


I think the message in my writing is fairly open ended. I would never preach or say this is the way it is. I say it the way I see it which ultimately is a bit warped.

* In the music and poeatry world what do you think influences you? 


When I first went into the studio with Kode 9 to record those early tracks, the spoken word style and delivery I adopted was simply the best way to abstract those tracks. What was informing me was subliminal. I didn’t think, “let me do this in the style of…” But what has become apparent since is that people like LKJ, Michael Smith, Mutabaruka, Prince Fari, Chuck D, Roger Robinson, Last Poets were the ones sending me those messages. 

* What do you think about the state of dubstep ?

next question

* When can we listen to some pure deep spaceape poetry, without instrumentals ?

A couple of months ago I performed solo for the first time. I took some stripped down beats and blasted out some lyrical fury.  I enjoyed it and it’s something I’m definitely going to develop. I think solo I will always want to perform using bass and beats as the backbone to my skeletal lyrics. 

* You dont play in lisbon for a long time, when can we see you and kode9 again? and what did you think of lisbon?

I don’t know … is that an invite?

* What have you been listening to lately?

been listening to a lot of SA-RA, i’ve just discovered William Basinski, so beautiful it hurts. King Midas Sound new album is sublime, loads of old stuff, lots of female led vocals. Too much to mention

* Future projects?

New album with Kode 9 incoming 2010, further live sets, solo shows, new Spaceape website, new Cult of the 13th Hour releases, plus further collaborations. I’m thinking about a book of The Spaceape lyrics/writing. Yeah! As I said, the project is bigger than me..








thanks spaceape!

warface family